Why the EU is Good for Women
Not enough female voices are being heard during the EU referendum campaign, so here is your opportunity to gain insightful viewpoints from female leaders about the reasons the EU is good for women.
This event is about a positive vision of the EU exploring how beneficial it has been for women and how it can continue to be so.
Most people don't believe the EU is perfect, but to come out, as Remain supporters believe, would not only negatively affect us, but girls in 20, 50 and 100 years time. By coming out, are we are hindering their already precarious futures too?
Join us as we delve deep into the arguments for why a vote for Remain is a vote for the next generations of women's rights.
Tuesday 14th June, 2016
18:00 Doors Open
18:30 Assessing the Impact of The EU on Women in the UK: why Remain is essential for us and girls of tomorrow
Some of the issues that will be discussed:
- Feminism, women's rights and its relationship with the EU
- Prosperity and opportunity
- Workplace rights
- Education and prospects
- Environmental protections
- Scientific endeavours that improve women's health
- Cultural diversity and what that means for women
- Remain and reform - what a reformed EU can bring for women
Speakers Confirmed:
The Rt Hon. the Baroness Blackstone, Member, House of Lords
More speakers to be announced
20:00 Drinks and Mingle with fellow guests
The Brew Eagle House is an affordable workspace for small businesses and entrepreneurs right in the heart of Shoreditch.Set within an old Art Deco former dance hall, The Brew Eagle House retains some of the building's orginal features with exposed brick walls and raw, distressed style that showcases the character of the space.
The Brew Eagle House also has an onsite cafe, the Coffice (cafe you can work in) which operates as a free membership workspace and small business hub with superfast broadband. For this event, the Coffice is open in the evening as a wine bar offering an excellent selection of French wines, local craft beer and Frapas (French Tapas)!
The Brew has kindly sponsored this event by giving its venue for free in support of the Remain in the EU campaign.