Facebook & Instagram Safety Guide Event for Women in Politics

October 29, 2019 at 1:30pm - 9pm
Church House
Hoare Memorial Hall
Church House
London SW1P 3AZ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Ella Fallows

LWN with Facebook and Instragram - Instagram Safety Guide Event for Women in Politics

MP? Parliamentary Candidate? Hopeful candidate? Councillor? Parliamentary staff? LWN are proud to be partnering with Facebook and Instagram training event and reception to launch the Instagram Women’s Safety Guide. This event is open to MPs and prospective candidates to learn how you can use the platforms to effectively campaign and communicate with your constituents, and how to best use our features and controls for a positive and safe experience. This event will take place on Tuesday 29th October in the Hoare Memorial Hall, Church House, and will be split into two sessions.

During the first session from 1.30 to 4.45pm, there will be a series of sessions on Facebook’s work to protect the integrity of elections, how to get the most out of the platform and have a safe experience, and how advertising tools can help you build support and create engaging content.

This will be followed by a second Instagram session, hosted in partnership with Labour Women’s Network from 5.30pm to 7:30pm, followed by a drinks reception from 7:30-9pm to launch the Instagram Safety Guide for Women in Politics. This event will be specifically for female MPs and candidates (although all are welcome).

You are cordially invited to one or both of the sessions. Please RSVP to [email protected]

indicating which of the two sessions you will attend. We hope to see you there.


Stella Tsantekidou Claire Reynolds

Will you come?

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