Fighting Sexism in Politics Conference, Midlands

February 24, 2018 at 10:30am - 4pm
Birmingham City Centre

Following on from our first special conference in January 2018 to plan campaigns to tackle sexism in politics, we will be holding a second conference in Birmingham City Centre on a Saturday, 24th February to widen the discussion.

Leading politicians and women across our Party will come together to discuss the next steps in our fight for equality and look to the past for lessons.

Expect lots of action planning and practical tips for campaigns you can run locally, so please come equipped with pen and paper.

Sign up below and once we have more details we will email you.

The LWN Conference is open to all women members of the Labour Party only (closed to the media), please bring either your Labour Party membership card or other material to show you are a current Party member. 

As LWN is a voluntary group funded mainly by our members and supporters we would like to ask if each delegate would consider a voluntary donation of £5 either payable on the door or via our online donation page.  This will help us to cover the costs of our special conferences.   



louise nixon Sue Moffat Megan Clay Eleanor Tristram Dee Edwards Eleanor Sowden Adriana Maria Gheorghe Barbara Tompsett Claire Clews Mary Wimbury Amanda Ramsay Cat Stephens Morag Turpin Helen Knott Carys Hill Becky Gittins

Will you come?

Stay in touch with LWN

GDPR Rules mean that we need to get your specific consent to continue to contact you about all our work via email, post or phone but to be honest we very rarely contact you by post or phone.

We would love to be able to keep in touch, but if you do say 'no' or don't complete this form we can't.

Thank you for your valued support for LWN.

EMAIL - We’ll never bombard you with emails, but do want to share news on our campaigns, events, fundraising and training courses. Would you like to receive our email updates?

PHONE - We may need to contact you via phone or text if you have given us your number.