Please buy your ticket here

While we welcome non LWN members to attend our events, we do ask that those who attend share the aims and values of the Labour Party & LWN. Our socials are private events, so we regret that no journalists will be admitted.

If you are buying more than one ticket to an event,  the system should automatically calculate the total amount once at payment stage.

Your order

Your details

Your billing address

Stay in touch with LWN

GDPR Rules mean that we need to get your specific consent to continue to contact you about all our work via email, post or phone but to be honest we very rarely contact you by post or phone.

We would love to be able to keep in touch, but if you do say 'no' or don't complete this form we can't.

Thank you for your valued support for LWN.

EMAIL - We’ll never bombard you with emails, but do want to share news on our campaigns, events, fundraising and training courses. Would you like to receive our email updates?