Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women in Public Life: Smashing the Ceiling Together

November 12, 2020 at 8:00pm - 9:15pm
Claire or Jane

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women in Public Life:
Smashing the Ceiling Together

Why do minority women in public life face disproportionate threats and abuse? Why are black women MPs so frequently subjected to misnaming? Why is it harder for ethnic minority women to get selected? Why is misogyny more acute towards Black, Asian, Muslim, Jewish and Minority Ethnic women? Are we done with the term 'BAME', and if so, what should Labour's new language of liberation be? 

Join LWN  for an honest but upbeat evening to hear first hand experiences, and consider how intersectional feminists can best respond to these challenges. How do we support each other in building resilience whilst subverting the structural inequalities which lie beneath multiple barriers? How can move past a hierarchy of equalities and smash remaining ceilings together?

Invited speakers include: 

  • Abena Oppong-Asare MP, Chair of Labour Women's Network and Shadow Exchequer Secretary (Chair)
  • Dame Margaret Hodge MP, Parliamentary Chair of Jewish Labour Movement
  • Sarah Owen MP, Chair of Chinese for Labour 
  • Cllr Tafheen Sahrif, Tameside MBC
  • Bell Ribeiro-Addy, MP for Streatham

This is a women-only event and all women are welcome.

Places are limited, so please reserve your place today

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Event details will be shared will attendees via email a few hours before the event.  Please note, we cannot share details (even if you have registered) if you have unsubscribed or opted out of our emails due to GDPR.



Rachel Shulungu Dodo Salma Arif Sarah Sackman Corinna Smart Candice Atterton Evelyn Akoto Kirren Lidher Claire Reynolds Maria Lovell Esther Klouvi Zainab Asunramu Jyoti Rao Elaine Todd Nanda Manley-Browne Deeba Syed jennifer Brathwaite

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