Following on from Labour Women’s Network Political Day earlier this month, LWN management committee member Kirsty McNeill shares ten ways you can keep up the #LWN2012 energy.
1. Join us at our Christmas Party at Labour’s new HQ on December 17th.
2. All of our senior Democrat strategists put Obama’s victory down to his ground game, so do get involved in upcoming by-elections via the members’ section of Labour’s website.
3. All of the speakers in our tales from the trail session were graduates of LWN’s flagshipintensive residential training for aspiring parliamentary candidates.
4. Apply Emma Burnell’s blogging advice and start straight away. Submit a blog idea toLabourUncut or our official #LWN2012 media partner Labour List.
5. LWN is completely dependent on voluntary contributions, so every extra member you recruit will make us stronger. Remember men are very welcome to join as supporters.
6. #LWN2012 was kindly sponsored by Unite. Do consider joining Unite and getting involved in Unions Together.
7. Help reclaim the public square by supporting Everyday Sexism and No More Page 3.
8. Fiona MacTaggart urged us to take better care of each other: ‘if you see a tall poppy getting cut down give her a ring, even if you don’t know her, it makes all the difference to whether she grows again’.
9. Johanna Baxter from the NEC encouraged everybody to follow up the winning political offer from Labour session by submitting ideas to Labour’s new online policy hub.
10. After Stella Creasy’s teach-in on community campaigning, support her in ending violence against women.