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We note that:

1) The Labour Party has a widespread problem with sexual harassment, from its grassroots up, evidenced by the 2017 LabourToo report which detailed 43 case studies of harassment, assault and abuse

2) A 2018 independent report into the extent of Labour’s sexual harassment problem by Karen Monaghan QC has never been published

3) The complaints process is subject to unacceptable delays and leaks, with suspensions unusual and expulsions exceptionally rare

4) Labour MPs and councillors subject to sexual harassment complaints have been allowed to continue to represent the Party without suspension

5) In March 2020, Keir Starmer committed in writing to an independent complaints process for sexual harassment complaints

6) Women are not safe as Labour activists, staff or elected officials

7) Successive Leaders, General Secretaries and National Executive Committees have failed to address this to any effect

8) This motion may be refused as Women’s Conference has been denied the power to put forward organisational changes this year

9) As Labour women we are submitting it anyway, because enough is enough. We urge Women’s Conference Arrangements Committee to acknowledge the urgency of this debate.

We resolves that:

1) The recommendations of the Monaghan report be published and implemented

2) The elected, factional and political National Constitutional Committee and National Executive Committee should have no role in arbitrating sexual harassment complaints

3) The Labour Party introduce an independent process for sexual harassment complaints, from first contact to final outcome.

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396 supporters