Fighting Sexism -LWN at Labour Party Conference
Auditorium 1B
ACC Liverpool
Liverpool L3 4FP
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
From #everydaysexism to #metoo and #Labourtoo, it's time to fight the climate of sexism that continues to hold women in politics back. Join us for an uplifting and sisterly evening as Labour women empower one another to call out sexism in our culture, policy and procedures, and in the wider world. With speakers including Stella Creasy, Rosie Duffield, Bex Bailey, Seema Malhotra, Chi Onwurah, and chaired by our very own Olivia Bailey, this is one #Lab18 fringe not to be missed. See you there, sisters.
Please note this event takes place within the secure zone at Labour Party Conference and you will need a conference pass to attend.