Have you ever considered standing for our Exec?
LWN Executive Committee elections are coming up. Have you ever considered standing for our Exec?
LWN's annual election process will start after the General Election. As the ONLY organisation affiliated to The Labour Party dedicated to progressing women’s representation, power, agency and safety within the Party, we require a hardworking, committed, dynamic, enthusiastic, dedicated, skilled & diverse committee.
As self-nomination goes live, we wanted to give an opportunity for anyone considering standing or if you just wanted to know a bit more, to come together, over Zoom, for an informal discussion about the elections, the process, what’s involved in being on our committee and anything else!
As well as Claire, LWN Director and Jane, LWN National Organiser, we will be joined by LWN Secretary Kiran Mahil to give her expert advice and share her experiences of being on the LWN Executive.
For information, you can self-nominate for any position in our election, as long as
a) You are a paid-up member of LWN,
b) Have 4 consecutive months membership before the freeze date, and
c) You validate your nomination on the nomination website.
We are always happy to check your membership before you submit a nomination form.