Kate Osamor

Please see below for NEC candidate Kate Osamor's response to our letter on AWS


As a life long feminist I am committed to the advancement of women in all spheres of life, whether that is in the workplace home and in society at large.


We live in unequal society where women are treated as second class citizens. Until we live in a society were one’s ability to take up certain roles is not determined by ones gender the need for AWS in politics is a necessity and will help break down many informal and formal barriers.


When looking at parliament today, female representation might appear as transformed

but gender inequality continues to exist in most CLP branches and CLP’s executive officer roles.


Horizontal and vertical gender segregation in politics means that women are less likely to be found in decision making

positions. This needs to be challenged at root level.


If I get onto the NEC I will advocate the need for AWS on premise that until we get to 50:50 the movement will not be satisfied.


I would like to also highlight that BME women are still less likely to be selected in AWS this also need to be addressed.


Data needs to be collated on how many BME women are successful in AWS. My worry is as long as we have BME female members who are not getting selected we (the party) could potentially end up alienating the very same people we claim to serve.


Finally. I accept resistance exists and I believe the NEC must work to a educate all, (men and women) for the advancement of AWS we could start by showing how gender inequalities manifest themselves at CLP level.


The NEC also needs to start celebrating all of our successful AWS selections.

I think, by doing this it could go some way as a learning tool.


Kate Osamor.