email: [email protected]
twitter: @Cllr_Roxsie
Having been elected as a Labour and Cooperative Councillor at the age of 23, Roxanne has significant experience as both a young Councillor and young female Councillor. She founded and chairs the Young Labour Councillors network, an informal network that provides support, advice and mentoring to young Councillors. As a result of this she gave evidence to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee's Discussion Forum.
Since her election she has been unemployed and spoken at a number of events on the issue of youth unemployment. Most notably speaking for TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady at the Relaunching Europe Conference and leading the March for a Future that Works.
Most recently she has spoken at; Tolpuddle festival on Feminism and Young Women as well as Young People and Trade Union involvement, RMT's Women's Conference on Nottingham's radical history, Trade Unions and women, The WEA's Women into Politics residential and co-facilitated the CWU in making their union more inclusive to young women.
She has been published by the Young Fabians, LGA First Magazine and the TUC's Touchstone Blog. She was a panelist for the Guardian's online debate on young Councillors.
On a personal level she is fascinated by Labour Party and Trade Union history.
Subjects:Equalities (Women), Local Government & Communities (General), Labour Party (Labour History), Trade Unions, Unemployment
Regions:East of England, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber