Beating the Greens |
Blogging and Social Media |
Boards: Governance, Community led decision making, Governors (eg in hospitals), Trusteeship |
Carers, special educational needs, disability in politics, domestic violence |
Carers, young carers, Mental Health |
Childrens services, child poverty |
Community relations, football fans |
Crime |
Defeating the far right |
Early Intervention, Children's Social Care, Children's Centres |
Ethnic minority media |
Families and divorce, family law, legal aid cuts |
Female genital mutilation (I have other expertise as well, but this is the topic I'd like to focus on) |
Green Party,Samaritans,China |
Human rights |
Human rights, violence against women, the Commonwealth, international politics |
Meaning of work, Economics of caring, |
Mental health issues |
Parenting as a lifelong value |
Planning; Conservation - natural and built; Health (Fighting to keep your hospital services); Campaiging (General) |
Public services reform; Co-operative Councils; Regeneration and Ecnomic Development |
Role of Charity/Third Sector, Campaigning for a cause, Local Influencing |
social enterprise, small business, recycling |
Social Housing, Community Radio, Fundraising, Community Engagement, Women on Boards |
Swaziland and Southern Africa, |
Unemployment |
Women and politics, social care policy, caring policy, gendered social policy |
Working Class Repesentation |