email: [email protected]
phone: 07787160169
twitter: @chappellkate
Hi, I’m a Councillor in Manchester and sit on the Economy, Employment and Skills Scrutiny Committee. I’m also Lead Member for Cycling.
I’m a social entrepreneur by profession, and have set up 3 successful social enterprises which now employ 14 people between them. This firsthand experience of starting up small businesses informs my perspectives about employment and the economy. I also studied economics as an undergraduate, and have a Masters in Sustainable Development.
My current job is managing a community hub in Manchester called the Inspire Centre. The centre won the RICS Regeneration Award for the North West in 2011, and demonstrates how social enterprises can revitalise communities. It is from this experience that I draw my knowledge of communities and social change.
I’m passionate about contributing to the debate on how we as a Party and a movement can redefine the critical areas of work, relations with the state, and environmental leadership, so that we win the next election hands down.
I would love to hear what you think on these topics, and can think of nothing better than sharing my perspectives and hearing those of the group you represent.
Subjects:Economy, Employment, Energy & Climate Change, Environment, Local Government & Communities (General), Taxation, Social Enterprise, Small Business, Recycling
Regions: East of England, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, South East, West Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber