email: [email protected]
phone: 07851 941111
twitter: @Scarletstand
Emma Burnell is a professional campaigns expert and has worked in the environment and housing. She is currently working at the TUC promoting adult learning through unions. Emma is the former National Coordinator of SERA - Labour's Environment Campaign. As a member of the Labour Housing Group executive Emma continues to campaign on housing issues. Emma is a well know Labour blogger, who writes for Comment is Free, the New Statesman, LabourList, Total Politics and Shifting Grounds. Emma writes primarily about political strategy and engagement issues.
Emma also actively campaigns on better gender representation within the Party and the wider Labour family.
Subjects:Education (Further & Higher), Education (Lifelong Learning), Equalities (Women), Housing & Homelessness, Media, Labour Party (Campaigning & Campaign Strategy), Blogging and Social Media
Regions: East of England, London, South East