phone: 01476574748
twitter: @charmaine725
I’m the Labour Group Leader South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) and as a former Business Improvement Consultant with over 25 years experience in the Communications Sector, I have considerable analytical and problem solving experience but after my daughter was born my career took on a new direction. Building on years of voluntary work, I have become an active campaigner in my local community, in particular fighting for local hospital Acute services. I am Chair of SOS Grantham Hospital.
As a member of SKDC Communities Policy Development Group, and the Development Control Committee I have a broad knowledge of subjects affecting our community including town planning, housing policy and benefits. I have an in depth working knowledge of the Planning regime. This knowledge, combined with my interest in both our natural and built heritage, resulted in the creation of a local conservation group of which I am also a member - Conserving Grantham. There is a tough regime out there with local wildlife areas and historic buildings and streetscenes under threat. However through some targeted pro-active work it is possible for local people to make a big impact. I am happy to share my experience. I know it is possible to make a difference.
I have been active in the Labour Party over 17 years and am a former Parliamentary Candidate - SW Norfolk (2005).
Subjects:Local Government & Communities (General), Planning; Conservation - natural and built; Health (Fighting to keep your hospital services); Campaigning (General)
Regions: East of England, East Midlands