LWN's How to be a Parliamentary Candidate Residential Course

Our 'How to be a Parliamentary Candidate Residential Course' is phenomenal, but its having a short break!

Having delivered this course (alongside all our other training) in Derby in May 2022, Birmingham in August 2022 and July 2023, and Greater Manchester in November 2022, and in Sheffield in February 2023, it's having a well-earned rest, but will be back soon!  

Below you will find out all about the course and when new dates are released, they will be advertised below and via email to our members. 


Are you thinking of standing for selection as a Labour Parliamentary candidate?  Or have stood before and feel in need of a refresher in how it works? Or perhaps you like the idea, but aren't sure about what it involves, or even wheather or not you want to do it at all... 

Wherever you are on the scale, from uncertain to very determined, this training is for you.

Our experienced training team – which includes former MPs - will guide you through thinking about a range of issues, from process to practicalities taking in campaign essentials, the reality of the job, and resilience along the way. At the end you may decide that being a candidate is what you really want to do, or you may decide otherwise; either way, we can help you to decide what’s best for you in your next steps in your political life.

We know our training works – over a third of current women MPs are graduates of it, including nearly a half of the current Shadow Cabinet and shadow ministerial teams.

Places are limited on all our courses, so apply as soon as possible. All LWN’s training opportunities are heavily subsidised by LWN members and our fundraising efforts, therefore these courses are only open to LWN members.  If you’re not a current member of LWN, you will need to join prior to submitting your application form, you can JOIN HERE, and you must continue in LWN membership for at least 12 months. 

All fees (see below) must be paid in advance, by the deadline set by LWN, should you be successful in getting a place.

The Jean Black Bursary Fund is open to any LWN member who is on a low-wage, on benefits, or is a single parent. If you wish to apply for the bursary, please complete the relevant section in the application form.

To get the most out of this training, participants need to have at least one year’s membership of the Labour Party before doing any of these courses; this is because you need a basic working knowledge of the Party in order to benefit from what we offer.


The course is very intensive with a high trainer/trainee ratio.  You will receive expert training and advice from trainers who have real world experience of the process and how to campaign within all selection scenarios. 

We will make time for you to think about yourself and your political future, acquire new (or refresh) skills; learn how to build on your current profile by playing to your strengths and will have an in-depth look at the selections process and campaign strategy, and all while networking with other Labour women.

The course will consist of two days of in-person gold-standard training, and includes all refreshments over the weekend, a formal private dinner on the Saturday night and accommodation.  It does not include any car parking charges or the clean air zone fee.

The course fees are £150 (or our £180 solidarity rate), and includes training, accommodation and all refreshments plus a formal meal on the Saturday evening. Course fees should be paid by 19th June at the latest, but please get in touch if that is an issue.

The Jean Black Bursary Fund is open to any LWN member who is on a low wage, on benefits, or is a single parent.  If you are successful in gaining a bursary place for this course, the cost will be reduced to £5 and you will receive £50 towards travel/care costs.  If you wish to apply for the bursary, please complete the relevant section in the application form.

From experience we know there is a very high demand for our training and each course has limited places, hence why we have a rigorous application process. 

We advise you to get your application in as soon as possible, think about your strengths and weaknesses, shout about your achievements, share your aspirations and let us know how our training may assist you in the future, all within the application form. 

You will need to provide one Labour Party referee for your application to be considered - this should be a branch/CLP officer, Councillor, MP or other Labour Party officer. You CANNOT be your own referee. 

Previous courses have been heavily over-subscribed, and applications will close once all places have been allocated, so please apply early.


Please note: You are able to fill in the application forms via a mobile devise, however it is easier on a desk/laptop.

This course has been delivered in Derby in May 2022, Birmingham in August 2022 and July 2023, and Greater Manchester in November 2022, and in Sheffield in February 2023.